
Important thing for the week to go back home is that

Impossible dreams that eat at the moments, one by one. in a cold blanket of fear and doubt… false initiatives that fade like the setting sun. I could be somebody if I could only wake up.

But the Phonix must rise again for another round! And now, the time has come; realization has its moment. For you discover that the key to your prison door was with you all along… now live, breathe and be in each moment no matter where they happen to fall. Shout yes skin your silence with a steady desire to constantly believe in the better nature of all sentient beings.

We are infinity and we chose not the wrong path, just one that’s meant to give direction. Like pieces to a puzzle on a dining room table… you can’t resist, pick up a piece and place it as we follow the moon to get to the sun.

*copyright 2020 jc *photo by pixapen*founded by jc 2014