
Just as Perceval left the forest in search of the Grail he knew little about, there are new adventures at hand for you and for me that we can’t at this time perceive… new worlds to embrace and old ones to conquer. But it’s all for naught if you never enter the world. I have done my best to teach and guide you… to keep you on the road to the secret knowledge which rjjjreturn again.

So my final advise on this day of reckoning is to breath deep and fly the middle way through the Southern Cross as you touch them

. Beware of flying too close to the sun, as well as deep oceans, and keep firm in the face of adversity. For it is the manager who was going through it was just so he could be the same and I cannot it would have a lot to say that never speaks out who walks about as though he were already in the grave.

Copyright- JC 2020-9