"Crux (Southern Cross) from Hobart, Tasmania" by Edoddridge - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -,_Tasmania.jpg#/media/File:Crux_(Southern_Cross)_from_Hobart,_Tasmania.jpg
Southern Cross

Once upon a dream not too long ago, while sailing sleeps silent gate in the vicinity of the Constellation Crux which harbours the Southern Cross, our pilgrim found himself immersed in unmarked writings, wordless readings, and silent teachings, for he now understood that nature was his true teacher, however not so much that he hadn’t abandoned a life of books and study but the true measure of that study,  enveloped and afforded him the real test of insight which  he called intuition, instinct, a sixth sense.

The stuff of the mind is calm in one instance and treacherous at another just like the river where beneath the surface are rip currents,  trying to pull the flow of water into opposite directions. Indeed some will drown in the waters we swim in.

And what great ocean will we find our Pilgrim circumnavigating just as assuredly as Magellan did in days of old? Why none other than the cosmic ocean, the same one where Vishnu dreams the universe into being for isn’t that what we’re doing, dreaming our lives into being. So we set sail in a boat made of dreams through an ocean made of stardust.    


*Image courtesy of Pixabay

Author: JC

I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in October of 2012. These are my writings of life and love after the fall but during a time of deep creativity either because or in spite of my illness... Peace and Love... JC

5 thoughts on “CRUX”

  1. I love the image at the top of your post, it is so similar to a sunny corner of the big church up on the hill in the village I live. A wonderful place to just sit in quiet contemplation and let nature talk to you in its clear and honest way.
    I listened to the song “Intentions” and felt he might get more answers if he voiced his intentions to whoever they are meant for.
    Otherwise they risk just blowing in the wind and become dust.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, yes I wanted something that was simpler yet just as powerful if I would have put the pilgrim in the Himalayas. A simple church or meeting place with the new rays of the sun beating in with enlightenment.

      Ocean was like writing a symphony, I had a melody in my head and parts showed up when they were needed. But the major parts came into being of their own accord. Like today’s post, I had the first line in my head all week long adding parts in my head and finally, on Friday I started writing them down.

      Good Intentions- I like the song for two lines of lyrics:
      You have to cry with your own good tears
      You have to laugh with your own good cheer.

      Liked by 1 person

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